See Jane Write

Featured Readers

Featured Reader: Javacia Harris Bowser

Javacia Harris Bowser is an English teacher at the Alabama School of Fine Arts and the founder of See Jane Write, a lifestyle blog and community for women who write.

Support Javacia in the Epic Read-A-Thon.

Why are you reading in the Epic Read-A-Thon?
DISCO means so much to me. In 2011, I started See Jane Write, an organization for women who write and blog, and the most challenging part of sustaining this group has been finding an affordable venue at which to host workshops. At DISCO, See Jane Write found a home. I now host most of my events at DISCO and how perfect since our missions so closely align!

And as an English teacher at the Alabama School of Fine Arts, I also appreciate DISCO's efforts to encourage creative writing in local students.

What are you going to read in the Epic Read-A-Thon?
A Wrinkle in Time, because it was important to me to read from a book with a female protagonist.

Which five books would you take to a desert island?
I change my mind constantly about such questions, but right now my answer would be: Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston; Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury; When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost: A Hip-Hop Feminist Breaks It Down, by Joan Morgan; Year of Yes, by Shonda Rhimes and the Holy Bible.

What else would you take to a desert island?
My journal, of course!

[Support Javacia in the Epic Read-A-Thon]